Blocking MeCam quadrocopter. How to?

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Hello, guys! I have a question regarding that recently presented MeCam quadrocopter. I need to know is it possible to spy o people with help of that tiny drone? And if it is yes — I suppose that there is a way to block it. But I'd like to know your opinion on that.

Hello James!

First of all you should know, that this drone is a simple flying and remote controlled web camera, which is able to shoot video and stream it to your smartphone, or upload it on youtube. Problems with drones are widely spread, and we will provide you with a solution. That drone is really small, so it can be easily hidden and rather cheap, it's price won't be higher than $49.

You can control MeCam quadrocopter with your iPhone or Android smartphone and it will be able to stream video it captures to it. It has rather advanced stabilization technology, so you'll be able to take photos and shoot panoramas as well. It establishes Wi-Fi connection to your smartphone and it is its most vulnerable spot. As you know Wi-Fi standard is rather vulnerable. Those devices have lots of legality issues, but despite that drones are really popular among the US.

As we've already mentioned – the connection between a copter and a smartphone is the most vulnerable spot here, and we will use that to disable that MeCam quadrocopter. It uses 2,4 GHz frequency, which widely used for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and we are able to block it. All you are going to need here is a portable Wi-Fi signal jammer. That device will disable all the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections around you and will leave that MeCam without control. Also it will surely block video streaming.

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help!

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