Can I secure myself from Verint Analytics And Communications Solutions?

Home >  Can I secure myself from Verint Analytics And Communications Solutions?
Hello everybody! The system called Verint Analytics And Communications Solutions scares me a little bit, thus I want to be safe from it. How can I do it?

Hello Ulrich!

Verint is a company that provides full spectrum of surveillance and intelligence solutions for broad range of governmental, military and business organizations. They are using lawful interception solutions to monitor plenty of different frequency bands including cell phone networks, WiFi and other wireless signals, they have their own tracking solution, and many more.

In order to counter such wide range of various surveillance, monitoring and tracking solutions you need to use really universal signal jamming device because it must be capable of dealing with many different frequencies at the same time. Considering these facts, the only device that comes to my mind is Verint Analytics And Communications Solutions jammer. It is a desktop model, very powerful, easy to use and quite effective when it is working.

In this cruel world, when every frequency band is subject to eavesdropping or other kind of surveillance, our privacy must be protected by means of one of those jamming devices!

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