Can someone detect me when I use cell phone jammer in public place?

Home >  Can someone detect me when I use cell phone jammer in public place?

Hi there!

I frequently use my portable jammer in various public places, but I’ve heard that there are some technical means that can detect me jamming the mobile phones? Is it real?

Hi Terry!

Theoretically you can be detected, but in real life it is really hard to achieve. I’ll describe a couple of basic methods you can be detected while jamming the signals. First of all I suppose that you use the jammer with a disguise, hidden in your bag or backpack. In that case no one will spot it, but there will be still some clues on how to find you. Those methods are pretty expensive, so they surely won’t be used unless you try to block signals of something really important like police station or hospital.

You should know that your mobile phone blocker creates a strong interference around itself. That’s why all the cell phones are blocked around you. That interference can be detected with a frequency scanner. It is the device that scans some frequency bands and detects strong signals. But here is a problem with those scanners. They won’t really hear your portable cell phone jammer in a public place because there are others even stronger sources of signals there. Also the distance is one of the most important factors. Basically the signal of your mobile phone jamming device will be hidden with signals of base towers, because it is simply stronger.

So, we at jammer store may say that there are no reasons to worry about that. If you use a portable signal blocker no one will even try to look for you, as I’ve already said unless you try to block the important authorities. We do not recommend doing so. You should consider that your signal jammer is a weapon and use it accordingly, with caution and responsibility.

Thank you for your question, I hope I’ve managed to help.

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