Can someone spy on me with Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen?

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Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen is going to hit the market on the 1st of November and I was waiting for this device. It will be pretty handy to use this gadget, but I’m not sure if all the data I write will be safe. Is there any way to temporary disable Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen’s Wi-Fi sharing capabilities?

Many thanks in advance!

Hello Luis!

Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen is a really interesting gadget. It can record audio and all your notes and instantly send them to your Evernote account, where you can access your data from almost any PC, tablet or smartphone. If there is no available Wi-Fi connection at the moment the data will be stored at the onboard memory chip with minimum 2 GB capacity.

The next thing you should know about Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen is that that it connects the internet via Wi-Fi automatically, if it’s new hotspot and it is protected with a password you’ll be guided through all the process and be able to enter that password. Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen will remember it and connect every time it has such a possibility. What about the spying – it may be possible, because Wi-Fi networks have well known security gaps.

So, the data your pen sends can be easily intercepted and used against you. The other chance for spying with this pen lies in the fact that it can record audio and send it via Wi-Fi. Jammer-Store may warn you that in that case anyone can record your conversations with that pen. In a matter of fact you may not even know of it, because the Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen is really small and can be easily hidden in a jacket or a suitcase. But there are some protective means we can advise you to use. I’m talking about a Wi-Fi jamming device, that will prevent Sky Wi-Fi Smartpen from sharing the data at this particular moment, but you’ll be able to download it later at more secure area.

Thanks for your question, I hope I’ve managed to help!

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