Does HTC really fixed the bug with their WiFi in smartphones?

Home >  Does HTC really fixed the bug with their WiFi in smartphones?
Hi people! I know for sure that there was a security flaw in the WiFi system of HTC smartphones so I am asking you as tech experts do they fixed it?

Hi Lauren!

There was really the security flaw which was detected in HTC smartphones of Thunderbolt, EVO 4G and Desire HD models. This flaw was detected as long as five months ago but it was not revealed to the public because HTC company tried to avoid the exploitation of this bug with bad intentions like hacking and other similar stuff. And yes, it is already fixed. It was done right before the public announcement of the problem.

Yet there is another thing for you to think about. If HTC did such thing on quiet, then other mobile phone carriers could do the same, hiding some security issues which can already present in their smartphones like WiFi vulnerability of the HTC devices. So the only thing you can do is protect yourself from hackers stealing your data through WiFi connection of your smartphone.

Watch yourself and good luck in smartphone selection in the future!

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