How can I be sure that my webcam is not watching me?

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Hello everyone! I've heard from my friends that webcams made by Trendnet has some serious bug that allows hackers and even common people to peek over their owners. Is it true and how to deal with it?

Hi Roger!

You've got good friends because they have told you the truth. Indeed, 26 Trendnet web cameras have the security vulnerability that allows many people to see what those cameras see with ease, intruding in private life of those web cameras' owners. This security flaw was noticed only month ago so it is unclear for how long those web cameras were available to anyone who wished to spy on others.

If you have Trendnet web camera in your house, you need to go to their website and download the critical update to patch this security flaw. But there comes another thing: if you have other web cameras they may have the same bug still unknown to their manufacturer, as well as web cameras of your friends which might be used by someone to peek on them and you when you visit them.

I guess you want to avoid such unpleasant situation? Since modern web cameras use WiFi connection for their work, you can easily prevent them from watching you and your friends, but if the camera uses wired connection, the only thing you can do is to not forget to turn it off when it is not needed.

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