How can I get rid of iTeen365 GPS tracker in my car?

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Hello! Recently I've got my driving license and my parents decided to install the iTeen365 GPS tracking device in my new car. I can't even turn it off because it is tamper-proof! Can I get rid of that thing anyhow?

Hello Layla!

The iTeen365 is a GPS tracker made by Chicago company that develops tracking devices for commercial fleet tracking. This device gives your parents a lot of information about how and where you drive. When iTeen365 works inside your vehicle, it collects the data allowing your parents to see the historical data of the locations you previously visited, your current location in real time, whether ignition is on or off and even the speed of your car.

As long as iTeen365 allows your parents to monitor the location of your car in real time 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 365 days in a row you probably treat it like a lack of trust towards you. They can say that it is used for your good and only to help you drive better and safer. You know, I guess people that wish to drive safely with no distractions from the driving process (like stop using cell phones while driving for example) are conscious enough to do that without parental control.

Your case is just about that. If you are old enough to have a driver license and drive a car I guess you have a right to get rid of iTeen365 GPS tracker installed in your car and demonstrate your parents that you are grown up already and need no additional attention, especially if this high-tech device intrudes your private life with no opt-out option.

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