How can I stop FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale from sharing the personal data on my weight?

Home >  How can I stop FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale from sharing the personal data on my weight?

Hi there!

I need FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale to be stopped! I like them, I like how they work, but that device shares my personal data, and I don’t want it to. Is there any way to stop those scales?

Many thanks in advance.

Hello Hanna!

FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale is a nice device. It can read your weight and body fat percentage and also send them to your PC, notebook or even tablet and a smartphone. FitBit has developed a couple of pretty handy apps that log that data, graph it if you like and can even share them. There are lots of really dangerous household gadgets appeared on the market these days.

It was done for you to be able to monitor your body parameters, make plans and achieve your goals. Due to visualization you can easily monitor your progress in achieving goals that you have set. Furthermore that device can also monitor your BMI, so called body mass indicator, calculated with body fat percentage and weight parameters. All the data is sent on your local PC or a notebook, to the FitBit’s server or a couple of mobile apps.

If you want the device to stop sharing your personal data, you should deal with its Wi-Fi connectivity. It connects to a local network via Wi-Fi, using a 2.4 GHz frequency. In that case the only thing Jammer-Store Inc. can advise you to do – is simply to jam the Wi-Fi connection. The problem is that, that if you will simply turn off the Wi-Fi router, while using the scales – the data will be stored and transmitted at the moment when the connection will be established.

The best way here will be using our Wi-Fi jamming device. It will surely prevent FitBit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale from sharing your personal data.

Thanks for your question. I hope I’ve managed to help!

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