How do I hide my idle time with GEOTAB V3 installed

Home >  How do I hide my idle time with GEOTAB V3 installed
Our trucks recently had GPS installed in them. The module box that I can see mounted behind the seat to the back or side of the interior cab says GEOTAB V3 (QC3339). It monitors speed, braking, seat belt detection and idle time. I'm not really concerned about the speed, braking or seat belt, but now that it's a very hot summer they don't want us to idle the trucks with the air condition on for any amount of time while the truck isn't in motion, that's a big problem for us drivers. Is there a simple way to overide the "idle" mode?

Hi there, overider!

Well, it is not the first time when GPS tracking is a problem, that led people to our wiki QA service. And we have a solution for you. But first it is important to understand how that GEOTAB V3 works. It uses GPS satellites to define its location and uses GSM frequencies to communicate with the dispatch. Also GSM works for precise positioning with cell tower triangulation. Also, it is possible to install additional modules, such as fuel tank indicator, so the device is pretty simple itself.

It goes into “idle mode”, when the engine is shut down and in this mode it uses GPS and G-sensors to detect collisions. Also, it will send information about the vehicle's condition to a dispatch via GSM frequencies. In order to block their communications you may use a simple cell phone signal jammer. It won't block GPS, so you will stay on radar and no one will panic. The only disadvantage here is the fact that your mobile phones will be blocked too.

Also we at Jammer-Store have to tell you to use those jamming devices with cautious. You may block some important communications and your boss, probably, won't be happy about that.

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help.

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