How powerful the 300-500 meters GPS jammers can be?

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300-500 meters GPS jammers are the ultimate high end type among all GPS signal jammers. They enjoy the incomparable strong jamming capabilities that other GPS jamming blockers can never reach. Generally, they are priced at several thousand dollars that not everyone could afford to buy. Their high price and strong capability determine them to be applied in special places as well as important locations. They are specially designed for prisons and military area as well as governmental agencies. It can also be used in Oil and Gas Storage Facilities fields, Security Services, Secret Services, Museums, Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement and many important places. When it is applied in battlefield and military base, it can maintain VIP protection and bomb disposal allocation.

How powerful the 300-500 meters GPS jammers can be? We will show you by introducing you a 300-500 meters GPS signal jammer offered by It is the 320W High Power Multi Band Jammer with Waterproof and shockproof design. It is proved to be an important security unit applied for governmental location management, VIP escort, military camp operation, field operation etc. This 320W high power multi band jammer with waterproof and shockproof design can surely meet the demand of super wide range jamming coverage under many serious circumstances. The high power output multiband jammer can effectively work for blocking six different frequency ranges including CDMA, GSM, DCS/PCS, 3G, WIFI and GPS. Each band is adjustable and able to work synchronously or separately. So it is not only a GPS jammer, but also a cell phone jammer and a WIFI jammer. Its shielding range covers from 300 to 500 meters, depending on the signal strength given in the area. This GPS jammer can be the ultimate solution for situations such as police convoy, VIP protection, and military field operation as an integrated multi band system. The shockproof and waterproof constructions enable it to be applied in indoor and outdoor conditions. Equipped with six Omni-directional antennas, this 320W High Power Multi Band Jammer with Waterproof and shockproof design is the indispensible jammer devices for a wide range of special purposes.

Now, you may know something about the 300-500 meters GPS jammer. More information and more 300-500 meters GPS signal jammers are available at If you are interested in it, you can pay a visit at Before you purchase a 300-500 meters GPS jamming blocker, the only thing you should know is that the jamming distances we mentioned are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance varies depending on the signal strength where it is applied or whether the GPS jammer is full charged, etc. To make your jamming more effectively, please use it in correct ways.

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