Is there any way to jam my neighbor’s car alarm?

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Hello everybody.

I need to know is there any possibility to jam my neighbour's car alarm? He bought it two days ago and I already just hate it! I can’t sleep because it is really loud. I don’t know what triggers it but his car stands in a garage near my window.

I’ll appreciate any help!

Hello Jim!

A noisy neighbor is a real disaster, I agree.

You know, you can’t do anything to a car alarm itself, but there is a way we can help you. Most of car alarms in US transmit signals to your trinket on a specified frequency. The needed frequency is 315 MHz and it’s a standard for US.

The only way how can we stop your neighbour's car alarm is to jam that 315 MHz frequency. Our specialized alarm jamming device will affect the car like that: your neighbour will not be able to turn that noisy alarm on. But be careful and don’t jam that frequency constantly, because your neighbour will not be able to turn the alarm off too.

Our jammer works in 25 meters range and will also jam all remote controls in the area of effect, including TV remote, toy’s remote, remote controls of an air conditioner, garage doors remote control and many more.

You can try a universal car alarm jammer if you think that your neighbour's car alarm is produced not in the US or Canada. The universal jammer works with all frequencies remote controls use.

Be careful while using your jammer and sleep well!

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