what frequencies does texting on a cellular phone use ?

Home >  what frequencies does "texting" on a cellular phone use ?

Im doing some research, can anyone tell me what frequencies does "texting" from a cell phone use ?

appreciate any help.

Thx, G


While "texting" your cell phone uses the same frequencies that it uses while making or receiving a call. It uses the same 3G or, what is more likely for modern smartphones the 4G standard. If it is a 3G - the frequencies are GSM 850/1900 MHz for United States, Canada and some countries of Latin America, or it may be GSM 900/1800 MHz for Europe and Asia.

The 3G and 4G are totally different. To be branded as a 3G a communication system has to provide at least 200kbit/s data transmission speed. To branded as a 4G the same system has to provide data transfer speed up to 100 mbit/s for mobile users and up to 1 gbit/s for stationary users.

If you need the 4G standard - the frequencies are 2345~2400 MHz or 2.3 - 2,4 GHz. You may find more info on modern tendencies in 3G/4G standards development on our blog powered by Jammer-Store.

Thanks for your question! I hope I have helped. Good luck in your research!

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