Wireless security issues with Uniden Guardian wireless surveillance system.

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Good day to you, people! I'd like to install Uniden Guardian wireless video surveillance system and I want to make sure that it will work fine. I need to know whether it is safe enough and can someone simply block the signals from my wireless cameras. Many thanks in advance!

Hello, Rodney!

That wireless surveillance system is a good one, because it is really easy to install. You do not need to put lots of wires around your house, because all the cams can be connected to a receiver with radio frequencies and their working range is up to 500 feet. Only problem here is that they use 2.4 GHz frequency, which is used for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. First of all it may cause some interference and what's more important, that Wi-Fi frequency is vulnerable for hacking and intercepting.

Also, you will be able to access any cam you have installed via iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone with help of special app. That's the feature that makes Uniden Guardian to be a really cool wireless surveillance system. But you should be careful and install those apps only in your app stores, because third party app vendors may infect your device with mobile viruses.

What's for security of the system itself, you should know that it is not the best choice to rely on wireless video surveillance, because their security will be always lower in comparison with wired ones. The reason here lies in the fact that any signal that is being sent with a radio wave may be blocked and a simple 2.4 GHz signal jamming device will be able to block signals, coming from those wireless camera to a central receiver. That's why we always recommend to use wired systems for home surveillance and security.

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help.

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