Would Electric Imp really connect all my housewares to the internet?

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Hi there! This Electric Imp start-up is very promising as for me so I am curious would they do all they have planned and wouldn't it be dangerous in any way?

Hello Monty!

Yes, the Electric Imp startup is a company that has a clear goal to improve the life of the ordinary citizen by allowing you to do such things like turning on your stove to warm it up beforehand or turn on the sprinklers on your lawns when you go to work. It is not fully developed but those guys are on the way to finish their creation.

The whole system will work in a manner of Eye-Fi card that allows you to connect probably any electronic device to the internet and use this feature to remotely control its behavior, set some parameters and turn things in your house on and off when it is necessary and when it suites your day schedule. In any way, this idea is not new but if it will be completed in the right way we will get really cool things for our life.

Still there is another side of a coin - the CIA Director David Petraeus promised to use all such housewares connected to the internet for personal data collecting about you and other people living in a house. So In the nearest future you might want to have some protection against Electric Imp devices which could be used to spy on you, your relatives and friends.

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